Our community work is made possible by generous well-wishers who see the light of our work through James 1:27 “True religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world (ESV).

To partner with us financially you can use the following channels:

Bank transfers:
Bank name: Equity bank limited
Swiftcode: EQBLKENA
Account name: St. Anna Day Care Centre 
Account Number: 0050190863530
Bankcode: EQBLKENA
Branch Code: 005

Mpesa paymnent
Mpesa paybill 247247
Account number 863530

Drop of points for dry foods and clothing
1. Incentive travel – Adlife Plaza 3rd Floor – Ring Road, Kilimani, Nairobi
2. Arahuka bookshop – Arahuka building – Kenyatta highway, murang’a
God bless you as you partner with us!

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